Halibut (halibut W/ Deep Water Bottom Fishing)
This trip is not for the faint of heart. Travel distance offshore can be up to 35 miles. Typically, we are fishing in depths up to 600 feet or more. Most vessels have customers fish in rotation in waters this deep to prevent line entanglement and loss of fish already hooked on another line. If time and weather permit, which it usually does, we fish for deep water lingcod and/or rockfish on the return to port.
- A typical trip length is 11 hours
- Departure time: 5:00 AM
- Season: Tuesday/Thursday/Sundays in May beginning May 1st (additional days may be added based on quota availability
- Bag Limit: (1) halibut, and if time and weather allow (2) lingcod and/or (7) rockfish
- Pricing: Big Boat $430
- Pricing: Limited Load Boat $430
- Pricing: 6 or 8 Man Boat $430